DegNorm - DegNorm: degradation normalization for RNA-seq data
This package performs degradation normalization in bulk RNA-seq data to improve differential expression analysis accuracy.
Last updated 5 months ago
5.20 score 1 stars 3 scripts 216 downloadsNuPoP - An R package for nucleosome positioning prediction
NuPoP is an R package for Nucleosome Positioning Prediction.This package is built upon a duration hidden Markov model proposed in Xi et al, 2010; Wang et al, 2008. The core of the package was written in Fotran. In addition to the R package, a stand-alone Fortran software tool is also available at The Fortran codes have complete functonality as the R package. Note: NuPoP has two separate functions for prediction of nucleosome positioning, one for MNase-map trained models and the other for chemical map-trained models. The latter was implemented for four species including yeast, S.pombe, mouse and human, trained based on our recent publications. We noticed there is another package nuCpos by another group for prediction of nucleosome positioning trained with chemicals. A report to compare recent versions of NuPoP with nuCpos can be found at Some more information can be found and will be posted at
Last updated 5 months ago
5.04 score 11 scripts 276 downloadsRiboDiPA - Differential pattern analysis for Ribo-seq data
This package performs differential pattern analysis for Ribo-seq data. It identifies genes with significantly different patterns in the ribosome footprint between two conditions. RiboDiPA contains five major components including bam file processing, P-site mapping, data binning, differential pattern analysis and footprint visualization.
Last updated 3 months ago
4.30 score 1 scripts 193 downloadsSPECIES - Statistical Package for Species Richness Estimation
Implementation of various methods in estimation of species richness or diversity in Wang (2011)<doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i09>.
Last updated 6 months ago
2.76 score 57 scripts 469 downloads